This package was developed using GNU Octave, version 2.1.35 and gcc version 2.95.2 on a Linux host. A quick test showed that Octave 2.0.14 was not able to generate the compiled functions. If you know about an easy fix for this, please let me know. to install this package proceed as follow (on a UNIX system) 1. extract the source in a directory by 'tar -xzf FEMoctave.tgz' 2. change into that directory 'cd FEMoctave' 3. the default installation directory is ~/octave/site/m/FEM/ If you wish to change this, edit the files ./Makefile and ./SymBand/Makefile accordingly. The variable 'installdir' has to be adjusted. 4. make the installation directory known to Octave by adding an appropriate line to your ~./octaverc file, e.g. LOADPATH =strcat(LOADPATH,":~/octave/site/m//") Then this directory and all its subdirectories will be searched by Octave 5. run 'make install'. This should create all dynamically linked libraries (*.oct) and copy the necessary files 6. to run one of the examples change into the directory (e.g. 'cd demos/demo1'), then start Octave. The script file demorun.m run the example for each of the demonstrations If some of the *.cc files in the demos are modified, then run `make' 7. If you can not compile the *.cc files, the run `make installM' and consider the example ./demos/demo3/demorun.m only. 8. To compile triangle and CuthillMcKee verify that the variable bindir is a directory in your search path and the run 'make utilities' to compile and install. 9. If you want to use EasyMesh you first have to download its source form the home page at\~nirftc/research/easymesh or from my home page . Then follow the installation instructions of EasyMesh. Enjoy this day Andreas