August 2002, A. Stahel FEMEig to compute the eigenvalues of the BVP, which differ from the eigenvalues of the matrix FEMGradient added FEMIntegrate added minor bugs eliminated and some typos most functions can now be given as scalars or vector of values give it a new version number 0.1.4 (changes for 0.1.3 ???) October, 2001, A. Stahel SBEig added, including some doc tuning is the solver for the banded system BandToFull.m and FullToBand.m added eliminated a few more spelling errors give it a new version number 0.1.2 September 30, 2001, A. Stahel : annoying spelling error in CuthillMcKee eliminated September 24, 2001, A. Stahel: added eigenvalue computations (doc not writen yet). See demo3 for example April 9, 2001, A. Stahel: A few typos in the documentation eliminated Sept 20, 2000, A. Stahel: Gauss integration along line segments implemented bug in FEMEquation eliminated, concerned inhomogeneous term demo 8 for verification and convergence added Sept 17, 2000, A. Stahel: Version 0.1.1 serious bug for Dirichlet BC eliminated ReadMeshTriangle.m added, to read output files of triangle mesh generator triangle.c, CuthillMcKee.cpp and sparseplot.m added to distribution CreateMeshTriangle added CreateEasyMesh added several demos added Sept 7, 2000, A. Stahel: FEMValues now can compute gradients too Makefile modified Sept 4, 2000, A. Stahel: Version 0.1 released